Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Istilah-Istilah Di Dunia maya

Duh kadang bingung juga kalo baru masuk yang namanya dunia maya,alias internet,banyak banget istilah-istilah yang kadang membingungkan atau kadang-kadang kita belum pernah denger apa sih yang dimaksud,nah ini juga terjadi sama saya waktu awal-awal masuk ke dunia maya.

Bingung banget sampe kepikiran males buat chatingan atau kenal ama orang lewat jaringan sosial kaya Frienster,dulus ih masih populer banget yang namanya FS tu,nah sekarang saya udah agak ngerti beberapa istilah yang di gunakan di dunia maya,moga-moga bisa membantu temen-temen yang masih bingung ama istilah-istilag dunia maya,istilahnya antara lain :

* GRP = Good Reputation Point (cendol )
* BRP = Bad Reputation Point (bata)
* BTT= Back to topic
* momod/mods=moderator
* admin/mimin=administrator
* YM=yahoo messenger
* CCPB = Cara Curang Program Bajakan
* TS = Thread Starter
* ASAIC = As Soon As I Can
* BBL : Be Back Later
* BRB : Be Right Back
* DOUTH : Do You Think?
* F2F : Face To Face
* SPS = Speed Posting Society
* ONS = Online Social Networkting
* FB = Facebook
* FS = FrienfsterYM = Yahoo! Messenger

Selain itu juga masih ada istilah lain kaya di bawah ini

* BB = Black Berry
* MHO : In My Humble Opinion.
* OMG = Oh My God
* Masbaz = Masih Bazah ( baru dicat )
* CMIIW = Correct Me If Iam Wrong
* FYI: for your information
* BTW: by the way
* GTG: Got to Go
* WB: Welcome Back
* LoL: Laughing Out Loud
* ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing ( ktawa guling2 di lantai )
* ASL: Age, se*, Location
* OIC: Oh I See
* BRB: Be Right Back
* FAQ: Frequent Ask Questions
* NP: Now Playing
* OOT: Out Of Topic
* HTH: Hope This Help
* OOP: Out Of Print
* Japri: Jalur Pribadi, PM = Private messages
* Milis: Mailing List
* Re: Reply
* Fwd: Forward
* ASAP: As Soon As Possible
* AFAIK: as far as i know
* AKA: also known as
* ATM: at the moment
* B4: before
* CFV: call for votes
* FWIW: for what it’s worth
* FYA: for your amusement
* GA: go ahead
* HHOJ: ha ha only joking
* HHOK: ha ha only kidding
* HHOS: ha ha only seriousIAE: in any event
* IDK: i don’t know
* IMO:in my opinion
* IMNSHO: in my not so humble opinion
* IMNERHO: in my not even remotely humble opinion
* IOW: in other words
* IRL: in real life
* IYKWIM: if you know what i mean
* JK: just kidding
* L8R: later
* OTOH: on the other hand
* OTTH: on the third hand
* RFC: request for comment
* RFD: request for discussion
* RSN: real soon now
* TIA: thanks in advance
* TNX: thanks
* WRT: With regard/respect to
* WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get
* YMMV: your mileage may vary
* YMMVG: your mileage may vary greatly
* CMIIW: correct me if i’am wrong
* FYEO : for your eyes only
* GPP : ga apa-apa..
* GRP = Good Reputation Point (cendol )
* BRP = Bad Reputation Point (bata)
* BTT= Back to topic
* momod/mods=moderator
* admin/mimin=administrator
* CCPB = Cara Curang Program Bajakan
* TS = Thread Starter
* ASAIC = As Soon As I Can
* BBL : Be Back Late

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Salam Dulu baru baca ^_^

Ma'an Najah

Ma'an Najah

Jazakallah khairan katsiran

Jazakallah khairan katsiran